Why an Ultion Lock is the Best Choice to Protects Your Property 


Ultion locks come with a revolutionary locking system that promises flawless security of your property. It makes use of 11 pins and has 294,970 key combinations.

  • 3-Star plus Rating

Ultion locks boast of 3-star plus accreditation because of the high-security features and most modern locking mechanism. It also gets accreditation of locksmiths’ more severe testing program known as Sold Diamond.

  • Strong & Unbreakable Material 

Ultion locks have molybdenum in their core material. It is 25 percent denser than other lock materials, such as iron, and aims to bring extreme durability. An Ultion lock has a range of attack pins in its core that engages the lock when it detects a burglary attack.

  • Attack Detect Sensors 

Ultion locks have a sensor that ensures attack detection and subsequent lock engagement. It means intruders will be unable to break in the house regardless of the number of attempts they try.

  • More Drill Protection 

Molybdenum and toughened steel pins make an Ultion lock tough enough so that you can prevent burglary attempts. Moreover, it has hardened plates and plugs that do not let the intruder drill the lock to reach its core.

  • Stronger Lock Keys

Most Ultion locks come with 4mm thick key that helps the lock continue to engage longer after intruders enter thinner keys to attempt lock snapping. Moreover, these keys include a torch so that you can use it when you need it the most.

  • Smart Control 

Ultion locks also comprise smart locking systems for those who tend to forget their keys or are looking for smart and technological ways for locking and unlocking the door. The best part is that you can use your mobile phone to lock or unlock your Ultion smart lock either from your car porch, inside the bedroom, or your house’ lobby.



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